Parish Membership
All the faithful men, women, and children baptized and confirmed in the Armenian Holy Apostolic Church are members of the Church community. This means that they have full access to the sacramental life of the Christian church.
All members who have been baptised in the Armenian Holy Apostolic church of Montreal can also become voting members when they fill the membership forms and get endorsed by the Parish Council and pay their annual membership fee.
Here are some of the benefits and privileges of becoming a voting parish member of Saint Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Cathedral:
Receive Church membership card
Participate fully and vote in the Parish Assemblies
Hold elected office within parish administration or special committees
Enjoy reduced rates for certain church events
Draft and Vote on proposals that influence our parish and the Diocese
Download the Membership Forms by CLICKING HERE
Membership Application Forms are also available from the church office
*Please submit the Membership Forms to the church office or send them online to stgregorychurch@gmail.com